Just like this day three years ago a Syrian young woman was arrested. Her name today is associated to the Revolution, detainees and how mighty a word can be. In 2006, there wasn’t a revolution at that time. No one dared to say word, and those who did were either arrested like Tal Al Maluhi or exiled abroad. She was the one who dared to speak and sign her blogs with her full name. To Bashar and his regime, how a young woman would demand her country’s president to implement some reforms which she published on her blog? During that time till 2008, Tal was in and out security branches for interrogation purposes. Her family left Syria and went to Egypt. Tal was asked interrogated as well in Egypt, in the Syrian Embassy there, as well as when she used to go to Syria for short visits. Just like this day three years ago, Tal went alone to the security branch for interrogation as always and since then, she has been detained.
She was condemned with false charges, assaulting a police officer, endangering national security, and spying for a foreign country.
This Homsi young woman is our PRIDE.
When no one dared to say a word, Tal Al Maluhi did.
We want freedom for Tal. We want freedom for Tal.
We want freedom for ALL our detainees. We want freedom for ALL our detainees.
27 December, 2012
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