Friday, November 2, 2012

Organizations Demand Europe Boycotts Israeli Settlement Products

Organizations Demand Europe Boycotts Israeli Settlement Products

October 30, 2012 – A coalition of 22 non-governmental organizations operating in the occupied Palestinian territories, including the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH), Christian Aid UK and Ireland, and Diakonia, called Tuesday on Europe to boycott products made in Israeli settlements.
The report, entitled “Trading Awa
y Peace: How Europe helps sustain illegal Israeli settlements”, is the first to compare available export data from Israeli settlements and Palestinians, highlighting the inconsistency at the heart of EU policy.
The EU states, “settlements are illegal under international law, constitute an obstacle to peace, and threaten to make a two-state solution impossible,” said the report, but continues to provide a primary export market for settlement products. Most EU Member States have failed to ensure products are correctly labeled in stores, leaving consumers unaware of the products’ true origin, contrary to the EU’s own directives.
The European Union imports fifteen times more from Israel’s illegal settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory than from Palestinians themselves, it said.
The report calls on European governments to adopt a range of concrete measures to stop assisting settlement expansion and close the gap between words and practice. At a minimum, the coalition is calling for clear labeling guidelines to ensure European consumers do not unknowingly buy settlement goods.
“Goods from West Bank settlements are produced on the back of house demolitions, land confiscations, and military occupation. Governments need to finally move beyond rhetorical condemnations of settlements and at the very minimum ensure consumers can make informed decisions about these products in shops. This is nothing but abiding by European and international law,” said Souhayr Belhassen President of the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH).

Via : Younes Arar
Africa to Gaza Aid Convoy

Selamat Jalan UMNO

Jejaka Kekebalan Negara.

Ya Allah selamatkan rakyat syria...amin..


The Banner of Lah ilhaa ill Allah Muhammad rasool Allah is raised above a tank by the mujahideen. Aleppo Syria. ALLAHU AKBAR!! ALLAHU AKBAR!!!!


Nowadays even our young children know that assad is a monster! He's taken away brothers, sisters & friends. Over 3,500 children have been killed by assad's thugs. We know it's depressing to see their images & to hear their stories, however, ignoring their plight won't make things any better!
As Much as it is heartbreaking see pictures of tortured, slaughtered children we must tell the World what is going on to the Muslims of Syria ! it is a GENOCIDE! THE NEW PALESTINE AND BOSNIA PUT IN ONE!!!


Basyar Al-Asad dilaporkan menunaikan solat Aidil Adha di sebuah masjid yang terletak di belakang istana akan tetapi televisyen rasmi negara yang menyiarkan siaran langsung enggan menyatakan nama masjid tersebut. Siaran televisyen tersebut juga tidak merakam bangunan masjid dari luar. 

Bilangan jemaah yang hadir dilaporkan hanya tidak lebih 100 orang dalam enam barisan (saf) sahaja. Solat diimamkan oleh Syeikh Walid Abdul Haq. Turut kelihatan ialah Perdana Menteri Wael Halqi, Menteri Wakaf Abdul Sattar Sayyid, Menteri Luar Walid El-Mu'alim, Mufti Besar Ahmed Hasun dan beberapa orang Ahli Parlimen.

The is the fate of #Assad soldiers, after the Mujahideen of Syria passed through the Musraba checkpoint. ALLAHUUUUUUUUU AKBAR!!
Mujahidin daripada Jabhah Nusrah, di antara briged mujahidin yang digeruni oleh pihak rejim. Kelihatan mereka sedang merayakan Eidul Adha bersama-sama masyarakat awam Syria.

Semoga Allah memelihara mujahidin.

MOST CHILDREN AROUND THE WORLD DRAW PICTURES OF RAINBOWS AND HOUSES, THE CHILDREN OF SYRIA ONLY DRAW ONE PICTURE! AND THAT IS BASHAR ASSAD BEING KILLED , WHY YOU ASK, THIS IS WHY....'He killed my father, he killed my mother, he took away my brother & raped my sister. My unborn brother was killed in my mothers womb. My uncle was tortured to death, my aunt died from her injuries. My grandfather was ...See More

| Homs | Albuwaida Asharqiyah | November 3, 2012
This boy lost three of his family members in one moment during a shelling attack by Assad forces. He is seen here carrying the body of his sister Haneen Muhammad Bakkar. His brother, Mustafa Muhammad Bakkar, and mother, Madeline Abdullah Bakkar, were killed as well. His mother died hugging her children close to her in an effort to protect them from the shelling.
kanak-kanak dibunuh
A Muslim elderly man , kissing his granddaughter goodbye after she lost her life in one of the air raids by the criminal barbaric Assad kufar Alawite/shia regime. The number of Muslim Syrian children killed so far is around 4000.

Oh Allah, DESTROY Bashar and his army his allies his supporters in the WORST OF WAYS! Ameeen!! may we all live to see that day! ya rab!!!!
Mustafa Abdul Qadeer Tolas, seorang pimpinan Parti Ba'ath dan orang kanan kepada Hafiz Al-Asad, bekas Presiden Syria. Tolas dilantik sebagai Menteri Pertahanan bermula tahun 1972 hingga 2004. Tolas dilahirkan di Rastan, wilayah Homs pada tahun 1932 merupakan Ketua Turus Tentera Syria bermula tahun 1968 hingga 1972. 

Dalam satu catatan, Tolas mengakui bahawa sepanjang 3 tahun menjadi Menteri Perta
hanan, dia telah menandatangani dokumen bagi menjatuhkan hukuman gantung sampai mati kepada para pemuda Syria yang berjumlah 90,000 orang. Ini bermakna, purata setahun mereka yang mati di hujung jari Tolas setelah ditandatanganinya atas jawatan Menteri Pertahanan seramai 30,000 setahun. Para pemuda yang dikena hukuman mati bukan anggota Ikhwan Muslimin sahaja akan tetapi mereka dari kumpulan Islam.

Jumlah kematian ini ialah angka rasmi, belum termasuk mereka yang dibunuh secara misteri dan beramai-ramai seperti Peristiwa Berdarah "Penjara Tudmar" yang berlaku pada tahun 1982. Lebih 1,000 tahanan ditembak beramai-ramai di dalam sel mereka oleh askar rejim.
Seorang juara tinju Melbourne, Roger Abbas dilaporkan telah gugur syahid dalam satu tembakan di sempadan Syria-Turki.

Abbas yang berumur 23 tahun merupakan seorang sukarelawan yang ke Syria untuk memberi bantuan kepada rakyat Syria yang ditindas.

Semoga Allah merahmati Abbas.
We Are All Razif Mohd. Ariff dan Muhamad Razin Sharhan Mustafa Kamal!

Kami menggesa kerajaan Malaysia agar memberi pembelaan kepada kedua-dua anak muda ini dengan menghantar satu pasukan peguam membela mereka.

Usaha jihad mereka dikatakan pengganas. Mereka mujahidin bukannya pengganas.


Ya Allah selamatkan rakyat Syria dan Palestin

kebiadapan yahudi
tetap ada semangat belajar walaupun negara sedang berperang dan tidak aman..bagaimanakah kita ?
Al Quds ~ Jerusalem ~ Palestine

Via : Songs and Pictures from Palestine 
Africa to Gaza Aid Convoy

Sehingga kini mereka berdua masih lagi ditahan oleh pihak penguasa Lubnan. Kami berbangga mempunyai anak muda berani seperti mereka yang sanggup bersusah payah untuk berjihad ke Syria bersama mujahidin walaupun ditahan oleh pihak berkuasa Lubnan.

Nyatakan solidariti kita semua. Doakan mereka berdua.
Bom berangkai yang digugurkan oleh rejim Basyar di Sowran berhampiran Halab.

Doakan rakyat Syria dan para mujahidin daripada kezaliman rejim Basyar.
"Wahai saudara-saudara kami di Myanmar, jika perjuangan kami telah selesai dan mencapai kemenangan, kami akan datang membantu anda di sana. Tetapi jika kalian mencapai kemenangan terlebih dahulu, datanglah ke sini membantu kami"

Lihatlah sikap para mujahidin, mereka mempunyai azam yang tinggi untuk membantu saudara-saudara Islam mereka yang lain walaupun mereka dalam suasana perang.

Semoga Allah memelihara para mujahidin.
Israeli army arrested 5 in Nabisaleh - 3 journalists and 1 Palestinian youth 15 years old.

Via : Ahmad Aqel
Africa to Gaza Aid Convoy
Israeli soldiers target the frightened children of Palestine. They are blowing up their schools, homes, hospitals, etc. The children try and defend themselves, but their little rocks are no match to Israels massive U.S. supported army.

Via : Ahmad Aqel
Africa to Gaza Aid Convoy
Mujahidin sedang meneliti bom yang digugurkan oleh jet pejuang tentera rejim tetapi tidak meletup di wilayah Halab pada Khamis yang lalu.

Dengan kuasa Allah, mereka terselamat. Berkat doa kita semua.
Pertempuran di barisan hadapan mujahidin dengan tentera rejim di wilayah Halab.

Doakan mereka.

Lubnan pindah 2 rakyat Malaysia ke penjara Roumieh

KUALA LUMPUR - Dua suspek rakyat Malaysia yang ditahan pihak berkuasa Lubnan berhubung dakwaan mempunyai kaitan dengan kumpulan pengganas Al-Qaeda, dipindahkan sementara ke penjara Roumieh di Beirut, dari sebuah pusat tahanan tentera, menurut peguam mereka.

Marwan Sinno berkata Razif Mohamad Ariffin, 28, dan Mohamad Razin Shahar Mustapha Kamal, 21, dipindahkan atas sebab logistik.

Ketika dihubungi Bernama di sini hari ini, beliau berkata perkara itu telahpun dimaklumkan kepada kedutaan Malaysia di Beirut dan hakim Tribunal Tentera masih belum membuat sebarang keputusan dalam kes membabitkan dua rakyat Malaysia itu.

Sementara itu, seorang jurucakap kedutaan berkata bapa Razif, Mohamad Ariffin Abdullah telah memohon kepada pihak kedutaan hari ini untuk menemui anaknya di penjara.

"Dia bercadang membeli sedikit makanan untuk anaknya," kata pegawai itu.
Razif dan Mohamad Razin, yang diwakili empat peguam, dihadapkan ke Tribunal Tentera atas tuduhan menjadi anggota pengganas yang mempunyai kaitan dengan kumpulan pengganas Al-Qaeda.

Kedua-dua lelaki itu dilaporkan mengaku tidak bersalah terhadap pertuduhan itu.

Sehingga kini, mereka masih menunggu keputusan hakim tribunal itu sama ada dibebaskan atau kes mereka dibicarakan di mahkamah biasa.

Razif dan Mohamad Razin Shahar ditahan pihak berkuasa Lubnan pada 18 Okt lepas. - Bernama

Kuwait bantah penahanan pemimpin pembangkang

Kuwait bantah penahanan pemimpin pembangkangRibuan penyokong pembangkang boikot hari pengundian 1 Disember ini di hadapan penjara Sulaibiya, Kuwait. - EPA
KUWAIT CITY - Polis Kuwait terpaksa melepaskan gas pemedih mata dan bom asap bagi menyuraikan penunjuk perasaan disertai beribu penyokong pembangkang daripada pergerakan Islam, Waleed al-Tabtabai, yang membantah penahanan pemimpin pembangkang, Musallam al-Barrak di penjara Sulaibiya.

Al-Barrak ditahan kerana mengeluarkan kenyataan mengkritik dan membantah keputusan menggubal undang-undang pilihan raya yang dilakukan amir negara itu, Sheikh Sabah al-Ahmad al-Sabah. 
Ketegangan semakin meningkat apabila penyokong pembangkang mendakwa perubahan undang-undang itu memberi kelebihan kepada calon prokerajaan pada Pilihan Raya Parlimen, pada 1 Disember.

Kementerian Dalam Negeri berkata, ramai anggota polis cedera selepas penunjuk perasaan melemparkan batu dan botol ke arah mereka.
“Tunjuk perasaan ini paling  ganas di Kuwait, kawalan keselamatan diperketat dengan melakukan sekatan jalan raya dan difahamkan juga, pembangkang berhasrat memboikot hari pengundian tersebut,” katanya.

Sementara itu, peguam Al-Barrak berkata, pemimpin tertinggi pembangkang itu ditahan 10 hari untuk disoal siasat berhubung kesalahan tersebut. - AP

Perancis usir imam warga Tunisia

 Mohamed Hammami
Mohamed Hammami

PARIS - Perancis mengusir imam warga Tunisia selepas dikatakan menggesa orang Islam di negara itu berjihad, kelmarin.

Kementerian Dalam Negeri memaklumkan Mohamed Hammami, 77, dihantar pulang ke Tunisia selepas kerajaan mendapati imam tersebut sengaja menyampaikan khutbah yang kononnya berunsur anti-Yahudi dan menggesa hukuman dera dikenakan ke atas golongan wanita.

Dalam satu kenyataan, Hamadi Hammami, anak kepada imam itu menyatakan dia percaya bapanya ditahan oleh Perkhidmatan Risikan Domestik (DCRI) sebelum dihantar ke lapangan terbang.

Januari lalu, bekas Menteri Dalam Negeri Claude Guent menuduh Hammami membuat kenyataan anti-Yahudi dan menggesa wanita yang berzina disebat hingga mati. - Middle East Online

Dana tsunami disalah guna

Tokyo: Dana yang sepatutnya diguna kerja pembaikan semula selepas tsunami didakwa digunakan untuk projek tidak berkaitan.

Menurut laporan audit kerajaan Jepun, ketika penduduk wilayah timur laut yang dilanda bencana kecewa kerana pembangunan semula yang perlahan.
Sebahagian daripada 14.9 trilion yen (RM571 trilion) digunakan untuk membiayai kerja yang tidak berkaitan termasuk pembinaan jalan di pulau selatan Okinawa.

Sebanyak lapan juta yen (RM305,367) diguna untuk membeli nadir bumi, komponen utama produk seperti kereta elektrik dan telefon pintar. - AFP

Ya Allah selamatkan Palestin

Cartoon by Kamarulazuan Wanzs for the 95 anniversary of the Balfour Declaration.

What is Balfour Declaration?
November 2, 1917: The Balfour Declaration

What is new in the memory of the Balfour Declaration?

We were taught in our schools that the Balfour Declaration is a promise made by someone who does not own [something], to [grant it to] someone who does not deserve it. Nevertheless, we do not know who Balfour is. Which is the party that does not own [the grant] and which is the party that does not deserve it?
After we realize the dimensions of the Palestinian cause, we become deeply convinced that the Balfour Declaration was in fact a declaration of a legitimate resistance and the starting point of the struggle of a nation, not a certain faction.
I contemplated the name, Herbert Samuel, a Jewish British minister who asked his government in 1908 C.E. (nine years before the Balfour Declaration) to establish a Jewish state in Palestine. He spent the next nine years attempting to put his memorandum into action until a four-member committee was formed to consider his proposal. On November 12, 1917 C.E. this committee issued what they called the Balfour Declaration, after the name of the British Foreign Secretary at that time, Arthur James Balfour.
Herbert Samuel spent eight years trying to implement his idea diligently. Who was behind this man? Which party was he working for? What is the relationship between international Zionism and the Jews since the Basel Conference?
His only aim was to have his idea implemented, because this was his historic chance before he lost the opportunity of being a British minister in the British government. Indeed, his memorandum was transformed from a dream into a reality and Britain made this ominous declaration without even mentioning the name of Herbert Samuel. However, the name is insignificant if it would prevent the establishment of the Jewish state in Palestine!
Palestine was then put under the British Mandate in 1918 C.E. First, Palestine was governed by the Occupied Enemy Territory Administration, but in July 1920 C.E, the military administration was replaced by a civilian one headed by a High Commissioner.
Guess who the Commissioner was? The first High Commissioner of Palestine was Herbert Samuel!
What was Herbert doing behind the scenes until he succeeded in irrigating his idea and planting it in Palestine?
The first sparkle of resistance appeared after the farce of the League of Nations consenting to the declaration. The Palestinian people realized the disaster that was awaiting them, hence, the Jaffa Rebellion erupted everywhere in Palestine marking the beginning of the Palestinian struggle. Then it was crowned with Al-Buraq Revolution, which started at Al-Buraq Wall.
At that time, the League of Nations officially declared that the Wall and the adjacent pavement and the Moroccan Quarter, are solely owned by the Muslim Waqf (endowments).
Today, however, Israel has fooled Bush, Blair and Sarkozy to make the world believe that they own the stolen Wall!
These revolutions erupted in protest against the Balfour Declaration and represented the beginning of the struggle of the Palestinian people. Nevertheless, this was not a completely new experiment, because when Napoleon was defeated in the face of Acre’s resistance and after killing two thousand Palestinians, pestilence plagued his soldiers. However, he wanted to return to his country as a victorious leader, so he allied with the Jews around the world and allowed them to make the first wave of Jewish emigration to Palestine. He even promised to give them a state from Acre to Alexandria.
However, Napoleon died followed by Balfour and the resistance has remained until today as the popular option that haunts those who turned the trenches into negotiation tables and lost both peace and land. Advocates of the negotiation option abandoned the Right of Return.
So, what will they say to the children who have keys given to them by their grandfathers after pledging to return to their homeland?
Today, they abandon resistance and give their weapons to their enemies to kill them. It seems that they have forgotten that Israel has displaced about one million people out of the 1.5 million Arabs at that time. What are the Arab heroes waiting for?
Do they wait until we hear about the collapse of Al-Aqsa Mosque as we heard about the fall of Baghdad? Do they wait until we hear about the demolition of Al-Aqsa Mosque as we heard about the demolition of Kabul?
It seems that they know us well. A Zionist minister once said, “The Arabs’ cases last only for three days: the first for condemnation, the second for wailing and the third for silence.”

Via : Activists around the world for Palestine
Africa to Gaza Aid Convoy
These people are never interviewed on television, they are never worshiped on Facebook, they don't have facebook, because they don't have a computer, and they don't have electricity, they dont even have walls or roofs! But they are the real Heroes. THEY are the ones being targeted by Israeli drones, THEY are the ones loosing family members on a weekly basis, THEY are the ones living in darkness with spiders running up the broken walls, in over crowded refugee camps in the dark, with broken roofs, no running water and broken sewage pipes. 

Via : Sinead MacLochlainn
Africa to Gaza Aid Convoy
Netanyahu: Iran strike will be good for Arabs.

He says it removes a potential threat and eases tensions across Mideast

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu sought on Tuesday to convince Arab states that an Israeli military strike on Iran would benefit them, removing a potential threat and easing tensions across the Middle East.

Netanyahu has made a number of veiled threats to attack Iran’s nuclear programme and has appealed to the United States and the United Nations to set a limit for Tehran on its further development.

In an interview published on Tuesday with French magazine Paris Match, Netanyahu said such a strike would not worsen regional tensions, as many critics have warned.

“Five minutes after, contrary to what the sceptics say, I think a feeling of relief would spread across the region,” he said.

“Iran is not popular in the Arab world, far from it, and some governments in the region, as well as their citizens, have understood that a nuclear armed Iran would be dangerous for them, not just for Israel,” he said.

Israel, widely believed to be the Middle East’s only nuclear power, believes Tehran intends to build atomic weapons and has consistently urged the West to increase up sanctions. Iran says it is enriching uranium for peaceful energy purposes only.

The United States and other Western countries have rejected Netanyahu’s demand to set a limit for Iran and have urged him to refrain from military action to give diplomacy and sanctions a chance to work.

Netanyahu, who is running for re-election in January at the head of the right-wing Likud party, told the United Nations last month that a strike could wait until spring or summer when he said Tehran might be on the brink of building an atomic bomb.

During his two-day visit to France, Netanyahu will travel to the southern city of Toulouse with President Francois Hollande for a ceremony of remembrance for the victims of an Islamist gunman who killed seven people there in March, including three Jewish children.

Africa to Gaza Aid Convoy

A walk on the wild side

Two young Palestinian girls took a shortcut to the Old City of Hebron from their homes on the far side of Shuhada Street, the main street of the Old City, which is now an 'Israeli only' street, because of the Israeli colonies established there.

To avoid a circuitous route to the Israeli army checkpoint at the far end of the street, the young teenagers cut through the Musl...See More

Rally against the visit of Netanyahu in France -31.10.2012

Via : Activists around the world for Palestine
Africa to Gaza Aid Convoy
There are 4,596 Palestinian prisoners being held in Israeli jails as of October 2012, according to Addameer. This figure includes 184 administrative detainees held without charge, 189 children and nine women.

Via : David Mitchell
Africa to Gaza Aid Convoy
Africa to Gaza Aid Convoy
Two Israeli warships cross Suez Canal: Egyptian media.

Two Israeli warships, escorted by Egyptian vessels, have crossed the Suez Canal on their way to the Red Sea, Egyptian media say.

A senior official at the Suez Canal Authority in Egypt made the announcement on Tuesday, confirming that the two Israeli vessels sailed in the canal on Monday to an unknown destination, Haaretz reported. 

The official told an Egyptian website that the ships--Eilat and Kidon-- left the Haifa Port on their way to the Red Sea, but the purpose of their voyage was not revealed.

According to Egyptians, it was not the first time that Israeli warships used the Suez Canal since in recent years similar voyages had taken place.

In response to the report, the spokesperson of the Israeli regime’s Defense Forces (IDF) said that Israeli Navy ships “operate around the Red Sea. The ships in the area operate according to the Navy's yearly plan.”

Also on March 13, Egyptian al-Ahram newspaper reported that the two Israeli warships and a French vessel left Port Said north of the Suez Canal after crossing the canal under heavy security.

Africa to Gaza Aid Convoy
Israeli forces arrest 24 across the West Bank.

NABLUS (Ma'an) -- Israeli forces detained 24 people across the West Bank overnight Tuesday, Israel's army said.

Seven people were arrested in Nablus, five in Ramallah, three in Jenin, three in Hebron, two in the south Hebron hills, two in Tuqu, one in Anata and one in Yatta, an Israeli army spokeswoman said.

They were detained "on suspicion of illegal activities", the spokeswoman added.

Palestinians living in the occupied territories are routinely arrested by Israeli forces, usually on the pretext of security.

Around 40 percent of Palestinian men living in the occupied territories have been detained by Israel at some point in their lives.

There are 4,596 Palestinian prisoners being held in Israeli jails as of October 2012, according to Addameer. This figure includes 184 administrative detainees held without charge, 189 children and nine women.

Africa to Gaza Aid Convoy

A pro-Palestinian supporter holds a protest leaflet which reads, "Israel criminal - No to France's Complicity - Boycott Israel" as he takes part in a demonstration in front of the Paris Opera house against the visit by Israel's prime minister to France, October 31, 2012. Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is on a two-day visit in France. 

Via : International communities against Israel (2)
Africa to Gaza Aid Convoy

She's our "Hope for the Future of Palestine."

Africa to Gaza Aid Convoy

Al Quds - the eternal capital of Palestine

Via : Songs and Pictures of Palestine
Africa to Gaza Aid Convoy
Israel has deprived millions of Palestinians of their liberty and property. It has systematically committed genocide, and incarcerated and tortured thousands of Palestinians.
Yet mainstream media is silent on this! WE have to be the media!

Via : Jo Mccoll
Africa to Gaza Aid Convoy

Travelers must register to exit Gaza.

GAZA CITY (Ma’an) -- Travelers hoping to exit the Gaza Strip must register in advance, a border official said Wednesday.

Crossings director Maher Abu Sabha told Ma'an that the registration process was temporarily cancelled during the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Adha, but the policy is back in force now.
Abu Sabha described a "state of chaos" during the holiday which prompted the reversal. Hundreds of people traveled through the crossing during Eid, so the process was suspended. 

Starting Saturday and until Wednesday, the crossing expects to welcome nearly 4,000 Hajj pilgrims. They will return in batches of 500, Abu Sabha said.

Africa to Gaza Aid Convoy
Africa to Gaza Aid Convoy
Eid is even happier with the support of SARA to children and their families in Palestine.
During the Al Adha Eid, 400 families benefited from the Qurbani project implemented by SA Relief Gaza every year. 

Via : Akram Al Satarri
Africa to Gaza Aid Convoy
Eid is even happier with the support of SARA to children and their families in Palestine.
During the Al Adha Eid, 400 families benefited from the Qurbani project implemented by SA Relief Gaza every year.

Via : Akram Al Satarri
Africa to Gaza Aid Convoy

Sorry people of New York - the people of Gaza have lived through this for years!

Via : Resist Injustice - Free Palestine
Africa to Gaza Aid Convoy
How RACIST - "We'd better drown all these prisoners in the Dead Sea since the lowest point in the world is there.“
Avigdore Liberman, the Israeli member of Knesset and minister talking about the Palestinian prisoners.

Via : 16th October Group
Africa to Gaza Aid Convoy
Jummah Mubarak from Gaza

Via : Stop Human Rights Violation in Gaza and Kashmir
Africa to Gaza Aid Convoy