Sunday, January 27, 2013
syiah bunuh sunni
The Reality Of Shia —
Perancis tawan sebuah lagi pekan di Mali
Tentera Perancis bersiap sedia untuk berlepas dari pangkalan tentera di Mopti bagi menyertai kempen ketenteraan di Mali, kelmarin. - AFP
BAMAKO 26 Jan. - Tentera Perancis dan Mali berjaya menawan sebuah lagi pekan dalam kemaraan mereka menuju ke kubu kuat militan Islam di Gao, ketika kumpulan militan mengebom jambatan utama bagi menghalang kemaraan tentera kerajaan dari bahagian timur.
Ketika operasi ketenteraan menentang kumpulan militan yang menguasai utara Mali itu masuk minggu ketiga, pekerja bantuan memberi amaran tentang peningkatan krisis makanan yang dihadapi penduduk awam.
“Ketika ini, tentera Perancis dan Mali sudah berada di Hombori," kata seorang guru di pekan yang terletak 920 kilometer ke utara Bamako, ibu negara Mali atau 200 kilometer ke barat Gao.
Menurutnya, anggota militan tidak lagi kelihatan di pekan tersebut.
Satu sumber keselamatan Mali berkata, tentera akan menuju ke Gao, satu daripada tiga bandar utama di utara negara ini, selain Kidal dan Timbuktu yang ditawan kumpulan militan al-Qaeda pada April lalu.
Menurut sumber itu, tentera Perancis yang bergerak dari barat selepas menawan pekan Diabaly pada Isnin lalu dan kini sedang mara ke pekan Lere dalam usaha menawan bandar Timbuktu.
Satu kenyataan daripada kumpulan bantuan Perancis, Tindakan Menentang Kelaparan (ACF) meningkatkan kebimbangan berhubung serangan darat dari Niger yang akan menyekat satu-satunya laluan bekalan makanan asas kepada penduduk di wilayah itu. - AFP
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Ahli Parlimen Baling diserang angin ahmar
GEORGETOWN - Ahli Parlimen Baling, Datuk Taib Azamudden Md Taib, 62, diserang angin ahmar Khamis lalu namun keadaannya kini stabil.
Anaknya yang juga Setiausaha Dewan Pemuda Pas Pulau Pinang, Afnan Hamimi Taib Azamudden berkata, bapanya kini dirawat di sebuah hospital swasta di sini dan berada dalam keadaan stabil namun masih dalam pemerhatian doktor.
Menurutnya, bapanya diserang angin ahmar ketika menunaikan solat dhuha di rumahnya di Baling, Kedah.
"Bapa saya kini stabil malah menunjukkan perkembangan yang memberansangkan. Dia hanya mengalami 'minor strok',dan alhamdulillah, semalam (kelmarin) dia dipindahkan dari wad Unit Rawatan Rapi Kardiologi (CCU) ke wad biasa.
"Keadaannya bertambah baik berikutan kedua-dua tangan dan kakinya sebelum ini tidak dapat digerakkan sudah beransur pulih," katanya ketika dihubungi Sinar Harian semalam.
‘Seruan’ militan Islam Mali
Paris: Kebangkitan militan Islam di Mali adalah ‘seruan lantang’ untuk bakal pejuang di Perancis, tetapi kemungkinan besar mereka tidak akan melakukan serangan itu di negara berkenaan dalam tempoh terdekat, kata hakim antipengganas kanan, semalam.
Menurut Marc Trevidic, militan Islam kini menganggap Perancis sebagai musuh nombor satu mereka. “Kumpulan itu menganggap tentera Perancis memerangi Islam. Justeru, sudah pasti mereka akan cuba untuk melawan kita,” katanya.
Trevidic adalah hakim paling kanan untuk badan menyiasat kegiatan keganasan di Perancis. Paris mengarahkan serangan udara dilancarkan serta menghantar ribuan tentera ke Mali beberapa minggu lalu bagi menekan pemberontak al-Qaeda yang menguasai sebahagian kawasan di utara negara berkenaan.
Barat bimbang kawasan dikuasai militan itu akan menjadi pusat operasi mereka melancarkan serangan ke atas kepentingan politik dan ekonomi Perancis. Bagaimanapun, kata Trevidic, dia yakin serangan militan Islam ke atas kepentingan Perancis tidak akan berlaku dalam tempoh terdekat. Menurutnya, sistem perundangan Perancis mula membuka siasatan baru membabitkan beberapa individu disyaki mempunyai kaitan dengan sel ‘pengganas’ Mali beberapa minggu lalu. November lalu, pendakwa berkata, mereka menyiasat seorang lelaki Perancis yang disyaki memasuki Mali secara haram untuk menubuhkan sel militan Islam. Didiami kira-kira lima juta umat Islam, Perancis menjadi negara paling ramai didiami Muslim di Eropah dan belum pulih sepenuhnya daripada insiden pembunuhan tujuh orang pengagum al-Qaeda pada Mac 2012. Trevidic berkata, risiko serangan pengganas Islam di wilayah Perancis adalah rendah kerana langkah keselamatan dan pengawasan kini dipertingkatkan. “Bahaya bukan datang dalam jangka masa pendek, sebaliknya jangka masa sederhana,” katanya. - Reuters
Eyes that spoke with tears… and hearts full of prayers
Resident horror… Aren’t you bored from staying here?
Resident horror… Aren’t you bored from staying here?
syiah sesat
This is seriously a disturbing pic, even i nearly began to puke
Basicallly this is the aftermath of a Tatbeer (smacking the empty Shia skulls with blades, swords etc) session in the house of one of the biggest shia ayaDollars Sadiq Al-Shirazi. This is the aftermath, just look at the floor full of blood, the confused scum in the back (with two differen pairs of slippers lol) can’t even stand the smell, imagine the diseases that have been carrying there like AIDS and various forms of Hepatitis!!! But the Ayadollar$ don’t care, as long as their followers blindly follow them.
This is NOT ISLAM!
The Reality Of Shia
Basicallly this is the aftermath of a Tatbeer (smacking the empty Shia skulls with blades, swords etc) session in the house of one of the biggest shia ayaDollars Sadiq Al-Shirazi. This is the aftermath, just look at the floor full of blood, the confused scum in the back (with two differen pairs of slippers lol) can’t even stand the smell, imagine the diseases that have been carrying there like AIDS and various forms of Hepatitis!!! But the Ayadollar$ don’t care, as long as their followers blindly follow them.
This is NOT ISLAM!
The Reality Of Shia
The Syrian government kills and injures hundreds of people daily and those who survive from the injured are not able to go to public hospitals to be treated as they fear detention or physical liquidation. This has placed the medical cadres in a very tricky situation – to abide to the governments orders and to inform them of the patients, knowing that these patients are going to be arrested and detained and may even be tortured, or to ignore the orders and to make the health of the patients their priority, by doing so putting themselves in danger for protecting their patients.
Additionally, the Syrian network for human rights documented the execution of approx 900 civilians from a total of 42561, which is the death toll figure at the end of 2012. Those 900 were wounded civilians who entered private and public hospitals and were murdered by the security forces and thugs in front of the medical cadres, many of the corpses which were taken out of hospitals had signs of bullet shots.
This situation caused many doctors to work in field hospitals which have very basic medical equipment. They had to carry out operations on people who were shot by snipers or who were injured due to shelling, this meant that many paramedics, pharmacists and doctors were prosecuted by the Syrian governments forces, and were regarded as criminals because they aided the wounded.
The Syrian network for human rights documented the following figures up until the end of 2012; these figures are a direct evidence of the targeting of medical cadres throughout the Syrian revolution:
143 workers the medical field were killed, including:
64 doctors of various specialities
27 pharmacists
52 paramedics, 23 of them work for the Syrian Red Crescent
From the 143 workers in the medical field, we documented 5 women.
However, the main evidence of the systematic targeting of medical cadres by the Syrian governments forces is the execution of four of them in a summary execution in a field hospital. This took place when they broke into a field hospital and found doctors and paramedics treating wounded people, we have documented four cases of this incident in various areas.
The following link contains a file which includes all the details in names, pictures, videos and dates of these incidents, according to the various Syrian districts:
From approx 194 thousand detainees, the Syrian network for human rights documented approx 3000 detainees from the medical cadres, including 600 doctors who were detained from various Syria districts. 13 of them were killed under brutal torture, which is another evidence of the systematic targeting of medical cadres. Additionally, there are 11 detainees from the Syrian Red Crescent who are in prison until this moment and the network received accurate testimonies which confirm that they were only arrested because they were paramedics.
Condemnation and bearing the responsibility:
We, in the Syrian network for human rights, as a National, Syrian, independent human rights organisation with an aim of defending human rights, believe that the president of Syria and commander in chief of the army and armed forces, Bashar Al Assad, holds the total responsibility for the murder of medical cadres, their systematic targeting, their torture and detention, as he is responsible for making orders of such actions. We also consider all Syrian governments’ staff directly responsible for such actions in addition to the governments who support this regime, such as the Russian, Chinese and Iranian governments and Hezbullah brigades. They all hold the total responsibility for these crimes, which are considered to be breaches of human rights in view of the Rome statute, they are also responsible for the consequences and reactions of such actions especially from the Syrian civilians and the relatives of the martyrs.
We demand the Security Council, the United Nations and its member states, doctors without borders organisation and all organisations concerned with protecting medical cadres to take action immediately to protect the Syrian civilians. The failure of these organisations to support the Syrian people and protect the civilians means that they also hold the responsibility with the Syrian regime for the crimes which are taking place, as they must abide to their legal and moral responsibilities and to accelerate the steps toward the assignment of all those involved in the massacres to the International Criminal Court
syiah sesat
Coming soon, to Tehran Square # Iran ! LOL
The Reality Of Shia
غضب سني عراقي لم يشهده تاريخ العراق
احراق العلم الايراني الصفوي المجوسي في مدينة سامراء
احراق العلم الايراني الصفوي المجوسي في مدينة الفلوجة
احراق العلم الايراني الصفوي المجوسي في محافظة الموصل
احراق العلم الايراني الصفوي المجوسي في محافظة كركوك
احراق صور احمدي نجاس في محافظة الانبار
صورة لحرق العلم الايراني في مدينة سامراء ضمن محافظة صلاح الدين
The Reality Of Shia
syiah sesat
Not a word can be said.
He slept on snow in a refugee camp!!
If you had a chance to speak to this young boy, what would you like to tell him?
He slept on snow in a refugee camp!!
If you had a chance to speak to this young boy, what would you like to tell him?
syiah sesat
یہ دیکھیں شیعہ کافر کس طرح سے ھندؤوں کی طرح بت پرستی کرتے ہیں !!
Shia(non muslims) seeking blessing from their idols
The Reality Of Shia
SNHR| Syria| Casualties Report| 43 deaths| January 10th, 2013
The Syrian Network for Human Rights documented the death of 43 people across Syria, 4 children, 2 women, and 2 killed under torture.
Damascus and its countryside: 18
Aleppo: 10
Daraa: 5
Idlib: 5
Dier Alzoor: 3
Hama: 1
Alraqqah: 1
The Syrian Network for Human Rights documented the death of 43 people across Syria, 4 children, 2 women, and 2 killed under torture.
Damascus and its countryside: 18
Aleppo: 10
Daraa: 5
Idlib: 5
Dier Alzoor: 3
Hama: 1
Alraqqah: 1
This brave boy went to buy some rice for his mother but he got injured and now he is being treated in a makeshift hospital..As if shells follow our children and target them..:(
Taybat el Emam- Hama suburbs.
January 10, 2013
The most noticeable massacres that the Syrian network for human rights group was able to document through the year, with reference to tens of massacres that we haven’t been able to communicate with the residents or to visit the sites that witnessed the crime.
These massacres resulted in 2469 martyrs, a large number of them was killed in very violent cases of Field-executions like slaughter by knives, shooting in the mouth or incineration.
- Ashira Distrect massacre:
Date: 9/3/2012- 11/3/2012
Number of martyrs: 224
This massacre took place in Homs governorate as a result of a shelling and field-executions by the Syrian army.
- Al-Rastan Massacre:
Date: 11/4/2012
Number of martyrs: 11
This massacre took place in Homs governorate as a result of a shelling using phosphorus and chemical bombs by the Syrian army.
- Al-Bayada Massacre:
Date: 12/4/2012
Number of martyrs: 8
This massacre took place in Homs governorate as a result of shelling and firing by the Syrian army.
- Al-Shammas District Massacre:
Date: 15/5/2012 – 16/6/2012
Number of martyrs: 14
This massacre took place in Homs governorate as a result of internment and field-executions by the Syrian army.
- Al-Houleh Massacre:
Date: 26/5/2012
Number of martyrs: 109
This massacre took place in Homs governorate when shabiha (thugs) broke into Al-Houleh-friendly villages, covered by the Syrian army, to kill the civilians indoors and mutilate their dead bodies.
- The Fertilizer Plant Massacre:
Date: 31/5/2012
Number of martyrs: 12
This massacre took place in a governorate in Al-Qassir City when the Syrian army troops interned a bus for workers in the fertilizer plant to torture and kill them.
- Dir Zour Massacre:
Date: 2/6/2012
Number of martyrs: 31
This massacre took place in Dir Zour governorate when the Syrian army shelled the houses and a demonstration.
- Hamouria Massacre:
Date: 2/6/2012
Number of martyrs: 9
This massacre took place in Damascus Reef governorate when the army broke down Hamouria city and accomplished field-executions and slaughter of the civilians.
- Saqba Massacre:
Date: 16/6/2012
Number of martyrs: 19
This massacre took place in Damascus Reef governorate as a result of field-executions and slaughter by knives by the Syrian army.
- Duma Massacre:
Date: 16/6/2012
Number of martyrs: 8
This massacre took place in Damascus Reef governorate as a result of a shelling by the Syrian army.
- Saladin Massacre:
Date: 22/6/2012
Number of martyrs: 8
This massacre took place in Halab governorate as a result of firing the demonstrators by the Syrian security.
- Hama Massacre:
Date: 26/6/2012
Number of martyrs: 21
This massacre took place in Damascus Reef governorate as a result of snipping the civilians by the Syrian army.
- Al-Habit Massacre:
Date: 27/6/2012
Number of martyrs: 13
This massacre took place in Idlib governorate when the Syrian army shelled an inhabited building.
- Zamalka Massacre:
Date: 30/6/2012
Number of martyrs: 72
The Syrian army shelled the civilians by airplanes during the funeral of some victims.
- Mesraba Massacre:
Date: 4/7/2012
Number of martyrs: 30, 16 of them were noted by names
This massacre took place in Damascus Reef governorate as a result of internments and field-executing the interned by the Syrian army.
- Sheikh Meskeen Massacre:
Date: 7/7/2012
Number of martyrs: 25 victims, 17 of them were noted by names
This massacre took place as a result of the regime’s shelling on Sheikh Meskeen city and field-executions in Daraa governorate.
- Al-Tremseh Massacre:
Date: 12/7/2012
Number of martyrs: tens, 67 of them were noted by names
This massacre took place in Hama governorate as a result of shelling, field-executions and slaughter by the Syrian army and shabiha.
- Al-Qaboun Massacre:
Date: 16/7/2012- 1/8/2012
Number of martyrs: 96
This massacre took place in Damascus governorate as a result of a shell and field-executions by the Syrian army.
- Hama City Massacre:
Date: 16/7/2012
Number of martyrs: 49
This massacre took place in Hama governorate as a result of shelling, firing and field-executions by the Syrian army.
- Al-Sayda Zainab Massacre:
Date: 18/7/2012
Number of martyrs: 170 victims, 117 of them were noted by names
This massacre took place as a result of shelling groups of civilians during the funeral of a victim in Al-Sayda Zainab district in Damascus Reef governorate by the Syrian army.
- Erbeen Massacre:
Date: 19/7/2012
Number of martyrs: 28 victims, 11 of them were noted by names
This massacre took place as a result of shelling Erbeen city in Damascus Reef governorate by the Syrian army.
- Al-Shree'a village Massacre:
Date: 24/7/2012
Number of martyrs: 16
This massacre took place in Hama governorate as a result of firing demonstrators by the Syrian security.
- Moadamieh Al-Sham Massacre:
Date: 28/7/2012 – 29/7/2012
Number of martyrs: 80
This massacre took place in Damascus Reef governorate as a result of shelling, snipping and field-executions by the Syrian army.
- Zour al-Haisa Massacre:
Date: 5/8/2012
Number of martyrs: 10
This massacre took place in Hama governorate as a result of a fire at random by the Syrian army soldiers.
- Jarjeeseh Massacre:
Date: 7/8/2012
Number of martyrs: 13
This massacre took place in Hama governorate as a result of a fire at random.
- Al-Shammas District Massacre:
Date: 11/8/2012
Number of martyrs: 22
This massacre took place in Homs governorate, specifically Homs city, when shabiha interned a number of civilians and field-executed them after torturing and insulting them.
- Yalda Massacre:
Date: 13/8/2012
Number of martyrs: 67
This massacre took place in Damascus Reef governorate as a result of shelling and field-executions by the Syrian army.
- Daraya Massacre:
Date: 20/8/2012 – 27/8/2012
Number of martyrs: 524 noted by names, and other unrecognized dead bodies
This massacre took place in Damascus Reef governorate s a result of shelling, breaking into, a number of field-executions, slaughter and torturing.
- Moadamieh Al-Sham Massacre:
Date: 21/8/2012
Number of martyrs: 86
This massacre took place in Damascus Reef governorate, 55 victims died as a result of shelling and field-executions, and the other 16 as a result of shelling during the funeral of the 55 victims.
- Kafr Nabl Massacre:
Date: 28/8/2012
Number of martyrs: 18
This massacre took place in Idlib governorate as a result of shelling Kafr Nabl city by aircrafts by the Syrian army.
- Kafr Batna Massacre:
Date: 1/9/2012
Number of martyrs: 36 victims, 34 them were noted by names and two unrecognized dead bodies
This massacre took place in Damascus Reef governorate as a result of shelling, breaking into a field hospital, killing wounded, breaking into houses and field-executions.
- Al-Fan Al-Samali Massacre:
Date: 2/9/2012
Number of martyrs: 31
This massacre took place in Hama governorate as a result of breaking into the village, interning a number of youth and field-executing them.
- Deir Al-Asafeer Massacre:
Date: 7/9/2012
Number of martyrs: 18
This massacre took place in Damascus Reef governorate as a result of shelling and field-executions.
- Halab City Massacre:
Date: 8/9/2012
Number of martyrs: 43
This massacre took place in Halab governorate as a result of shelling the city by Mig Fighters by the Syrian army.
- Kafr Zeta Massacre:
Date: 11/9/2012
Number of martyrs: 12
This massacre took place in Hama governorate as a result of shelling the city by TNT barrels by the Syrian army.
- Kafar Awaid Massacre:
Date: 16/9/2012
Number of martyrs: 10
This massacre took place in Idlib governorate as a result of shelling Kafr Awaid village by TNT barrels by the Syrian army.
- al-Arba'in district Massacre:
Date: 19/9/2012
Number of martyrs: 26
This massacre took place in Hama governorate as a result of field-executions and burning down the victims’ dead bodies by the Syrian army.
- Children Massacre:
Date: 22/9/2012
Number of martyrs: 8
This massacre took place in Halab governorate when the Syrian army shot a civilian vehicle by heavy machine guns.
- Al-Ziabieh Massacre:
Date: 26/9/2012
Number of martyrs: 107 victims, 37 of them only were recognized
This massacre took place in Damascus Reef governorate as a result of bombardment, breaking into houses, field-executions and slaughter by knives.
- Deir Ezzor Massacre:
Date: 26/9/2012
Number of martyrs: 15
This massacre took place in Deir Ezzor governorate as a result of airplane shelling by the Syrian army.
- Salqin Massacre:
Date: 1/10/2012
Number of martyrs: 32
This massacre took place in Idlib governorate as a result of shelling Salqin city by TNT barrels by the Syrian army.
- Karam Al-Jabal Massacre:
Date: 1/10/2012
Number of martyrs: 17
This massacre took place in Halab governorate as a result of shelling a residential building by tank shells by the Syrian army.
- Maarat Al-Numan Massacre:
Date: 18/10/2012
Number of martyrs: 40
This massacre took place in Idlib governorate as a result of shelling Maarat Al-Numan city by Mig fighters by the Syrian army.
- The Graves Massacre:
Date: 19/10/2012
Number of martyrs: 84 victims, 13 of them were recognized
This massacre took place in Deir Ezzor governorate as a result of interning civilians and field-executing them by the Syrian army.
- Talbeseh Massacre:
Date: 24/12/2012
Number of martyrs: 15
This massacre took place in Homs governorate as a result of shelling a bakehouse, where lots of people gathered to get bread, by the Syrian army.
- Al Bousaiyra Massacre:
Date: 25/12/2012
Number of martyrs: 22, 17 of them were noted by names
This massacre took place in Deir Ezzor governorate as a result of an aircraft shelling on the village by the Syrian army.
- Halfaya Massacre:
Date: 23/12/2012
Number of martyrs: 93, 44 of them were noted by names
This massacre took place in Hama governorate as a result of shelling a bakehouse by the Syrian army.
- Dier Ba'lba, Homs Massacre:
Date: 29/12/2012
Resulted in tens of martyrs and wounded that until now we couldn’t note them as a result of encircling the district and Severance of communication.
We published earlier about Sharifa she is a child who lost her foot due to shelling. Now a new artificial limb replaced her lost one. In Turkey in a specialized clinic a prosthetic limb was placed for Sharifa.You can see the smile is back to her lovely face.
Click on the video to see the difference between her earlier position and now.
A massacre followed by a massacre..
In Aleppo, Al Ansari neighborhood, our bodies lie on the street due to the artillery shelling.
January 13, 2013
I am Tasneem Juma from Moadamiyat Elsham, I am only 6 years old. I was deprived from the joy of joining my first class at school, but this is not the issue here.One day me and all my siblings were happy after mom cooked us some delicious food, my mom and dad were enjoying some cup of coffee after lunch, when all of a sudden we heard extremely loud noises, they were MIG warplanes shelling our neighborhood, we fell our house falling all over our heads, the last thing I remember is my brother Mahmoud removing a shrapnel from his face.
This is my story, I am a Syrian child, and this is my daily life routine.
The Syrian network for human rights documented 143 deaths, 13/01/2013 all across Syria. Amongst these deaths were 20 children and 7 ladies and 32 free Syrian army and 1 under torture .
Damascus and Rural Damascus: 51
Aleppo: 43
Daraa: 14
Deir Al Zor: 10
Homs: 6
Idlib: 6
Raqqa :5
Kenitra : 2
Lattakia: 2
Hama : 2
Hasakee :1
Syrian Network for Human Rights - London
The Syrian network for human rights documented 142 deaths, 14/01/2013 all across Syria. Amongst these deaths were 25 children and 9 ladies and 25 free Syrian army and 2 under torture .
Damascus and Rural Damascus: 70
Aleppo: 28
Daraa: 15
Homs: 10
Hama : 8
Idlib: 6
Deir Al Zor: 4
Swaida : 1
Abu Baker Shabroom a 7 days old newborn baby died yesterday to join our birds in heaven.
Mangsa culik di Algeria: Seorang lagi disah terbunuh
Kedutaan Besar Malaysia di Algiers, semalam mengesahkan mayat Tan Ping Wee, dikenal pasti melalui hasil pemeriksaan forensik berdasarkan rekod pergigian serta pengesahan ‘tatu’ pada tubuh badannya oleh keluarga mendiang.
“Kerajaan Malaysia mengucapkan takziah dan simpati dengan apa yang berlaku dan meminta semua pihak terutama ahli keluarga mangsa bersabar dalam menghadapi situasi menimpa mereka.
“Sehingga kini, Kementerian Luar dan majikan mangsa JGC Corporation Pte Ltd di Algiers sedang menguruskan proses membawa pulang mayatnya bersama dengan mayat Chong Chung Ngen, berasal dari Perak yang turut disahkan terbunuh,” katanya dalam satu kenyataan, semalam.
Sebelum ini, dua rakyat Malaysia yang terselamat dalam kejadian itu Lau Seek Chiang, 38, berasal dari Sarawak dan Ravi Kuppusamy, 48, berasal dari Pulau Pinang, sudah dibawa kembali ke Malaysia Rabu lalu, manakala seorang lagi rakan mereka Patrick Purait Awang, secara sukarela menawarkan diri untuk tidak kembali dan membantu pihak kedutaan mengesan Ping Wee.
Balas dendam
Dalam kejadian itu, 60 anggota pemberontak bersenjata menawan OGPC Amenas di Gurun Sahara selama empat hari bagi membalas dendam terhadap tindakan Algeria membenarkan ruang udaranya digunakan Tentera Perancis untuk menyerang pemberontak Mali.
Kumpulan itu menyerah diri Ahad minggu lalu, selepas serangan besar-besaran dilakukan oleh Tentera Algeria hingga menyebabkan sebahagian daripada pemberontak dan tebusan terbunuh.
The Syrian network for human rights documented 142 deaths, 14/01/2013 all across Syria. Amongst these deaths were 25 children and 9 ladies and 25 free Syrian army and 2 under torture .
Damascus and Rural Damascus: 70
Aleppo: 28
Daraa: 15
Homs: 10
Hama : 8
Idlib: 6
Deir Al Zor: 4
Swaida : 1
How much longer will they live in constant fear of being killed?
How much longer will they live in total deprivation?
How much longer will those question reamin unanswered??!!!
An injured child with a sharpnel.
January 15, 2013
A massacre after the other!!
Activist and Eyewitness, CLAPPER.SIMON reporting for BBC:
- So were you in the building when the explosion happened today?
-I was nearly 50 meters far from the building. A fighter jet of Syrian regime's air force came and shelled the campus. The first missile was shelled at a crowded place of civilians and students near the gate of the faculty , all the paths of Aleppo city are closed except for this path.
-And did he see this himself?
-The missile that came from plane hit the square that was very close to the faculty's gate. I have seen it, and even got injured with a shramp of the glass of the windows that is crowded by IDP's
-what happened with the second missile?
-The second missile caused less damage. The first missile destroyed 10 cars totally, and all the people inside it got killed , the second missile caused nearly 85% of Financial damage and 15 percent human casualties.
-The good thing is that the second missile was some time apart from the second one and managed to run towards the wounded people.
-What is the time difference from the first and second missile?
- 1minute
-So it was the blast from the first one that hit the dorm?
-i saw the plane and it was very far
- Thanks. One last thing, did he see the dead and injured people? can he describe the scene?
when the first missile was shelled, the fragments have wounded many people and there were a lot of the wounded whose hands were cut, the fragments have reached even the roof of the buildings, more than 10 cars including the people inside it were burned
Missile fragments were everywhere , due to the fact that it was a place for transportation because it is the only way that is opened and students use it for the public transportation. A lot of the students have been martyred in this accident.
Something wasn’t feeling right since morning. Security forces were inside the campus since morning. Security forces closed the doors of the university when the first missile was shelled, the media was there only 2 minutes after the shelling, we ran away after the second shell , yet we saw media coming towards the place of the shelling though we were just running from there.
Today, Aleppo lost 95 civilians, raising the city's total toll to 5193. Today’s massacre brought back to memory the pioneer student demonstrations that started in the "University of Revolution". The majority of today's martyrs come from this university, where the first students movement in Syria took place, they were all student sitting for their first day of final exams. In Aleppo, 463 young boys and 216 young girls have been killed since the beginning of the revolution.
At least 34 members from 5 different families were burned. 17 martyrs passed away from one family and a number of unknown martyrs fell from Shtaywi family.
Houses, barns and agricultural lands were burned and a number of houses were looted. The aforementioned information is considered to be preliminary results for the lack of activists in the documentation and immediate broadcasting site in addition to the weakness in communications.
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