Sunday, February 13, 2011

Penunjuk perasan minta presiden Yaman berundur


English to Malay translation( google translate)

Ribuan  pemuda   Yaman  berkumpul di pusat Sanaa, menyeru Presiden Ali Abdallah Saleh untuk turun dan mengikuti contoh dari pemimpin Mesir Hosni Mubarak.
"Setelah Mubarak, giliran Ali," teriak beberapa penunjuk perasaan yang dianggarkan 4,000, sebahagian besarnya mahasiswa muda.
Para penunjuk perasaan kemudian berangkat menuju Universiti Sanaa, dengan menangis: "Keluar, Keluar Ali" dan lain-lain meneriakkan: "Orang-orang ingin rejim jatuh".
protes itu bermula selepas pertukaran antara sekelompok mahasiswa cuba memasang poster anti-rejim dan penyokong yang berkuasa Umum Kongres Rakyat yang cuba menghalang mereka, menurut saksi.
Pada tengah hari (2000 AEDT), para penunjuk perasaan telah mencapai Avenue Jamal Abdel Nasser, sekitar 500 meter) dari Tahrir Square yang diduduki oleh penyokong parti yang berkuasa.

 Pada hari Jumaat, ribuan demonstran turun ke jalan-jalan ibukota Yaman untuk merayakan pengunduran diri presiden Mesir.
Beberapa ratus penunjuk perasaan cuba tidak berjaya mendekati kedutaan Mesir, yang dilindungi oleh polis besar, sementara yang lain berkumpul di Tahrir Square di luar kerusi kerajaan Yaman.
pegawai keselamatan Yaman juga di luar yang berlaku sekitar alun-alun, dan di tempat lain di ibukota.
Beberapa penunjuk perasaan meneriakkan slogan-slogan seperti "Semalam Tunisia, hari ini Mesir, dan Yaman besok akan mematahkan rantai mereka" dan "orang-orang ingin menggulingkan rejim".
Puluhan ribu penunjuk perasaan ternyata pada tarikh 3 Februari untuk memprotes Peraturan Saleh, yang telah berkuasa sejak tahun 1978.
Sebuah jumlah yang sama demonstran pro-rejim juga turun ke jalan pada hari yang sama.
Situasi ini telah tenang, dengan parlimen pembangkang menyeru kepada presiden untuk melaksanakan reformasi yang dijanjikan.

Baca lebih lanjut: # ixzz1DlACqK17

Yemeni protesters demand president quit
From: AAP February 12, 2011 10:15PM
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SEVERAL thousand young Yemenis have gathered in central Sanaa, calling for President Ali Abdallah Saleh to step down and follow the example of Egyptian leader Hosni Mubarak.

"After Mubarak, it's Ali's turn," chanted some of the estimated 4,000 protesters, mostly young students.

The protesters then headed off towards Sanaa University, with some crying: "Get out, Get out Ali" and others chanting: "The people want the regime to fall".

The protest began after an exchange between a group of students trying to put up an anti-regime poster and supporters of the ruling General People's Congress who tried to prevent them, according to witnesses.

By midday (2000 AEDT), the demonstrators had reached the Avenue Jamal Abdel Nasser, some 500 metres) from Tahrir Square which was occupied by supporters of the ruling party.

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On Friday, thousands of demonstrators took to the streets of Yemen's capital to celebrate the resignation of the Egyptian president.

Several hundred protesters tried unsuccessfully to approach the Egyptian embassy, which was protected by a large police force, while others gathered in Tahrir Square outside the seat of the Yemeni government.

Yemeni security personnel were also out in force around the square, and elsewhere in the capital.

Some demonstrators chanted slogans such as "Yesterday Tunisia, today Egypt, and tomorrow Yemenis will break their chains" and "The people want to overthrow the regime".

Tens of thousands of demonstrators turned out on February 3 to protest against the rule of Saleh, who has been in power since 1978.

An equal number of pro-regime demonstrators also took to the streets on the same day.

The situation has since calmed, with the parliamentary opposition calling on the president to implement promised reforms.

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