(English and Bahasa Melayu )
Peristiwa berdarah Tak Bai
Peristiwa berdarah Tak Bai yang berlaku pada 24 Oktober 2004 merupakan peristiwa di mana 78 orang penduduk Islam kehilangan nyawa semasa dalam tahanan tentera Thailand, dalam bulan Ramadan. Bagaimanapun kerajaan Thailand kemudiannya memutuskan bahawa tidak terdapat sesiapapun yang bersalah dalam kejadian tersebut.
Tak Bai Incident
The Tak Bai incident is an event that occurred on October 25, 2004 in Tak Bai, Thailand, which resulted in at least 85 deaths.
Six local men were arrested. A demonstration was organized to demand their release and the police called in army reinforcements. After some demonstrators threw rocks and attempted to storm the police station, security forces used tear gas and gunfire in response.
Hundreds of local people, mostly young men, were arrested. They had their shirts taken off, bound with their hands tied behind their backs, and made to lie face down on the ground. Video footage shows soldiers kicking and beating those already bound and helplessly lying on the ground.
Later that afternoon, those arrested were thrown by soldiers into trucks to be taken to an army camp in the next province of Pattani. The prisoners were stacked five or six deep in the trucks, and by the time the trucks reached their destination three hours later, many had suffocated to death.
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