I'm Foo, from Jerantut Pahang, Assistant of Candidate Bunga Raya, Cikgu Koh (independent candidate).
Our N.10-Damak seat won by BN, Dato' Lau Lee, who won majority of 64 ONLY. Candidate Cikgu Koh at that night ask for recount, BUT SPR didn't allow to do so with the reason that we could not recount in tally centre. He asked us to request court order to do so. So, our supporter now is guarding at the tally centre while requesting for court order.
Today, we have done the postmortem. We have pointed out some of the problems, as below:
(1) SPR didn't give us the Borang 14 for 14 saluran (total 51 saluran), even we asked for it. They gave us a lot of nonsense reply. Besides, there are a lot of raguan in Borang 14 (we have lodged in police report).
(2) They didn't allow to recount, with only 64 different votes.
(3) They are total 647 undian ditolak. Some of the undian ditolak are valid votes according to ejen tempat mengundi.
(4) We were not allowed to see the final Borang 14 which determined the final result. From our calculation, we are at the majority side.
(5) We were told that there is pengundi awal for SPR staff which the name is not in the SPR list. The pengundi Awal voters in SPR list is only 249, but the votes counted is 491 (pengundi awal = polis, postal, and SPR staff).
(6) There is no borang 14 for pengundi SPR staff, and the spr staff didn't have ink on their finger even they have voted. The result of these pengundi awal is jz added into the final result without our acknowledgement.
Saya mintak jasa baik admin supayatlg publish kan post ni. Kami warge Jerantut masih lg perjuangkan hak kami !!!
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