The Syrian society consists of many religions and nationalities, religions: Muslims:" Sunni, Alawi, Shia, Dorzi, Ismali, and Ja'afari (Sect From Shia or Shia of Syria). Christians: "Syriac, Orthodox, Catholic, protestants, Roman, Assyria, and Chaldeans" and other religions and sects. Nationalities: "Arab, Kurd, Turkmen, Armenian, Circassians, and Dagestan".
Before 1963 "Al Ba'ath party":
All people in Syria believed in Syria and civilization, all people were subjected to laws even the president, Mr. Faris Al Khouri (Rest In Peace) was the first Prime minister of Syria, he was Christian, and all Syrian people respected him.
The minarets of Khalid Ibn Al Walid Mosque were built by Christian man who his family name was Khouzam.
After the unity with Egypt 1958 X-president Jamal Abdo Al Nasir was trying to restructure the army depending on religions.
X- President Amin Al Hafiz restructured the army depending on religions; he was member in Al Ba'ath party.
Hafiz Al Assad:
He recruited many Alawi people in the Syrian army and in the governmental foundations, and after Hama massacre he used the religions in Syria for keeping his regime, for instance: 1982 in Al Hamidiah neighborhood in Homs, some regime's mercenaries wore Hijab and nikab and sprinkled the Christian women by Acid (Na OH), they did that for provoking the hate between Muslims and Christian.
Hafiz Al Assad used his sect for protecting his regime.
Bashar Al Assad:
He uses the religions as his father did, especially his sect and Shia, the regime during the revolution is always trying to provoke civil war, especially in Homs for instance: before one year the regime tried to provoke clashes between Bab Al Sba'a people and other Alawi neighborhoods; mercenaries threw three bodies on the Alawi neighborhood and published rumor: " Alawi people hit two Sunni women".
Iran helps Bashar Al Assad in his dirty policy, and the regime and Iranian regime are trying to recruit the Shia people in the civil war depending on sectarian loyalty.
Viva Syrian people, Syria is like a rainbow, if the rainbow had one color they poets wouldn't notice it.
This Church was Shelled by Al Assad's troops.
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