Jabhat Al Nusrah Mujahadeen of Syria rescue and abducted Armenian Christian man that was held by the Assad forces , they took him in , fed him and treated his wounds ..and allowed him to rest that night till he improved in his health so they can take him to his family, while this armenian christian man was resting he saw the Mujahadeen getting ready to pray , he said to them you know i heard rumours about you jabhat Al nusrah that you are harsh people but from what i saw from you was nothing but goodness, humbleness and kindness, you freed me, fed me took care of my wounds honoured me , i
want to be like you people i want to be Muslim i want to pray with you , so the armenian man embraced islam made his shahada 'i bear witness that there is no God But Allah swt and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah swt, the jabhat taught him how to make wudu and to pray , he continues by saying this is the true Islam what an honorable religion this is .
SubhanAllah !!!! Allah swt guides whom he wills! and our Jabhat Al Nusrah are indeed noble , Brave, humble Courageous men! True Lions of Islam! Much love and respect to these lions of Syria!
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